First Experiment: how do emulsifiers and stablizers affect the stailization of vinaigrette emulsion?

First experiment: To investigate the effects of emulsifiers and stabilizers to the stability of vinaigrette emulsion

Date: 21/03/2020 Saturday
Question: how would the quantity of emulsifiers and stabilizers affect the rate of coalescence of vinaigrette?

1. Introduction and background information
It all starts with the simple question: what does ‘good’ vinaigrette mean? Having appeared more than 1000 years ago, the oil-and-vinegar concoction has won the hearts of many. Yet strange enough, the polar vinegar and non-polar vinegar are not meant to be with each other – if you put it in a jar, then they will eventually separate. Being well aware of the importance of forming emulsion, still, along with other cooking newbies, I thought it is all about shaking hard before serving. Unsurprisingly, no matter how hard I shook, such unstable vinaigrette eventually separates within minutes. The salad served with it would then, ‘mysteriously’, will and be flavorless.
Figure 1: how oil damages sald (something we all don't want right XP)

Turns out the oil would damage the greens by penetrating the waxy cuticle of the leaves, they thus will. The vinegar would also slide down, leading to a flavorless salad. This phenomenon hence enlightens me, how can I serve a delicious salad? Is there a magical ingredient that bonds the oil and the vinegar together? If yes, how much should I add to keep the emulsion while not affecting the original taste?

1.1 Aim of the experiment
Followed by the previous questions, in the following experiment, it is expected to investigate how the amount of two commonly used emulsifiers, mayonnaise and mustard, as well as one stabilizer, molasses, would affect the stabilization of the oil-and-vinegar emulsion.

1.2 Hypothesis
The more emulsifieror stabilizer added, the more stabilized the emulsion. However, for stabilizers, after reaching an optimum amount, the more added, the less stable the emulsion.

1.3 Prediction:
For mustard and mayonnaise, the emulsion will be increasingly stable. The ranking of separation time needed for the respective vinaigrette in descending order would be the vinaigrette with the emulsifier-to-emulsion ratio 1:3 > 1:4 > 1:5 > 1:6. So most amount of time will be needed when 10g of emulsifier is added to 30g of oil and vinegar.

However, for honey, the separation time may increase when more is added, and then decrease. Such turning point might occur when the honey-to-emulsion ratio is 1:5, which means when 7.5g honey is added to 30g of oil and vinegar.

1.4 Scientific principle behind vinaigrette
An emulsion is a mixture of two immiscible liquids in which one liquid is dispersed as spherical droplets into the continuous phase, forming a homogenous mixture. In vinaigrette, water is in dispersedphase, while oil is the continuous phase, so it is a water-in-oil emulsion.

Why don't oil and water mix together? In fact, oil is a non-polar compound,as electrons are evenly distributed across each lipid molecule. However, vinegar is a polar compound, as it contains acetic acid and water molecules due to the uneven share of electrons between the atoms of the two kinds of molecules. Following the like dissolves like chemistry principle, polar molecules interact with other polar molecules. The same works with non-polar molecules. No hard feelings, but this is like why it's so hard for us to make true friends. Apparently only those carrying the same qualities as you do can truly connect with you.

Figure 2a): molecules in vinegar (acetic acid and water)
Figure 2b): lipid molecules

Also, as the water molecules are more mobile than the fat molecules, the former will force the latter to join into larger and larger droplets, leading to coalescence eventually phase inversion (or phase separation), separate into two layers according to their respective densities. In vinaigrette, vinegar sits on the bottom as it is denser. 

Figure 3: Sendimentation, flocculation and coalescence

Figure 4: Less dense oil comes on top

To prevent phase separation, either emulsifier or stabilizer could be added to decrease the interfacial tension between the dispersed and continuous phase, to reduce the rate of smaller droplets joining to larger ones and form stable micelles. Here, for emulsifiers, mustard contains mucilage and polysaccaride, which is a glutinous substance that contains protein and polysaccharides. Egg yolk in mayonnaise also contains lecithin, in addition to protein.

Figure 5: when will coalesnce occur and how to form micelles 

Figure 6: closer look to emulsifiers
Lecithin and polysaccharide are surfactants and hybrid compounds. They containsmolecules with a hydrophilic (water loving) head and a hydrophobic (water hating) tail. Its head attracts water, while its tail attracts oil. It thus acts as a bridge holding the two immiscible liquids together, and micelles will form. For amino acid chains composing protein molecules, they also have the two receptors, linking oil and water together.
Figure 7: difference between emulsifiers and stabilizers

Apart from being an emulsifier, protein and mucilage can also be a stabilizer. Honey could be an example as well. Because the molecules are extremely large, the two increase the viscosity of the vinaigrette and give a thicker texture to the continuous phase (vinegar).It thus becomes difficult for the oil droplets to mobilize and coalesce into larger droplets, and eventually separate from the water. Thus, the rate of separation is slowed down.

2. Experiment details
2.1 How to nail down the range of independent variable

Figure 8: Science & Food: 12.5g (mustard + garlic) / 177g =1:14
Figure 8: Serious Eats: 20g / 222g (vinegar + oil) = 1:11
Figure 9: Times Colonist: 40g (Dijon mustard + honey + garlic) / 255g (vinegar + oil) = 1:8

Video 1: not-so-good first trial using the origial ratios of 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5

After ploughing into a wide range of basic balsamic vinaigrette recipe (whether from cook illustrated, serious eats, or newspapers like New York Times and Time Colonist, it was found that while mustard seems to be the necessary emulsifier, honey is the relatively common one and mayo is not. Also, they are all added in small quantity. The ratio of emulsifier to oil-and-vinegar ratio is usually 1:10 or lower.

Until I read about Cook Illustrated's article regarding the make-ahead vinaigrette which lasts for so long relying on the three emulsifiers. It thus enlighted me what would be the optimum quantity for each of the three, in order to make a long-lasting vinaigrette. Originally, I tried to maximise it to 1:1. However, as shown in the video, the viscosity of mustard was so large that the whole sauce has turned into mustard. Thus I decided to reduce the ratio a bit. Thus, I decided to vary the amount from 1:3 to 1:6, to maximise the emulsifying ability of the three. 

2.2 Three Independents
Independent Variable
Ratio of the emulsifier/stabilizer to the water-in-oil emulsion. (1:3, 1:4, 1:5 and 1:6)
Method of changing independent variable
Changing the amount of emulsifiers/stabilizers added to the emulsion.
For 1:3 ratio, add 10g.
For 1:4 ratio, add 7.5g.
For 1:5 ratio, add 6g.
For 1:6 ratio, add 5g
Control group
Conduct the same experiment by using a vinaigrette without mustard, mayonnaise and molasses as control group
Dependent variable
The separation time of the vinaigrette emulsion
Method of measuring dependent variable
1. Measure the height (cm) from the middle of the bottom of the jar to the center of the meniscus of acid layer before mixing, and every 5 minutes after mixing until reaching 35 minutes.
2. Calculate the difference of the initial and ending height of the boundaries of the vinaigrettes.
3. The larger the ending difference (at 35 minutes), the longer time it takes for the vinaigrette to separate. If the difference is overlapping, then trace back to the time slot when there is no overlapping, and compare the values, with the larger difference being the more stabilized one.
How to make sure the accuracy of the dependent variable
1.       Measure the height of the acid layer twiceand calculate the average value as the final result.
2.       Measure by putting the tape at the same position (vertically on the table).
3.       Take the measurement from the center of the meniscus of acid layer.
4.       Read the value horizontally.
5.       Reduce all the height by 2mm to remove the discrepancy brought by the thickness of the jar.
Controlled variable
1.       The quantity of other ingredients (Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, canola oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper)
2.       The types and brands of other ingredients (Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, canola oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper)
3.       The whisking time and method for every experimental group (15 times with up-and-down motion counted as one time, around 5 seconds)
4.       The preparation and storage temperature (25°C)
5.       The container used (closed glass jar)
How to control the consistency of controlled variable
1.       For the temperature, we will put all the jars on the kitchen table to ensure the consistency of the preparation and storage temperature.
2.       For whisking time and method, we will start shaking at the same time, shaking with 15 times and shaking for 5 seconds.

2.2 Five 'W's about the experiment
Who: Me, Ye Yihan (UID: 3035705104) and my parents
What: To investigate effect of the amount of different emulsifiers and stabilizers on the stabilization of vinaigrette emulsion
Where: Kitchen, home
Figure 10: what is the height of the boundary and when it would occur

: Carry out the measurement of the height of the boundary (acid layer) after making vinaigrettes with different types and amount of emulsifiers and stabilizers.
Why: To find out the optimum amount of emulsifiers and stabilizers for the vinaigrette that stays the longest.

2.3 Precautions:
1.       Always remember to label the jars to avoid confusion.


Balsamic vinegar 500ml
Wet market
olive oil 500ml
canola oil 500ml
garlic powder 42g
Mustard 226g
Mayonnaise 250ml
Honey 500g
salt and pepper Roughly 30g each
Wet market


1 Measuring Tape
1 Electronic Scale
4 Plastic bags (2 for backup)
Abandoned because of inconvenience
4 Identical Containers
2 fully charged phones
Mine and my mom’s
2 Sheets of Labels
Stationery shop
1 logbook
1 pencil and 1 rubber

2.4 How (Procedure):

Video 2: Using the plastic bag can lead to inaccuracy, since the mustard clung to the surface of the bag. Also, it slows down the efficiency of the whole experiment.

Video 3: Squeeze instead of using plastic bag, while using spoon to adjust the quantity and ensure accuracy

1.       Squeeze the mustard into the jar, until the scale shows 5g.
2.      Label it with ‘5g mustard’.
3.      Repeat step 1-2, measure 5g, 6g, 7.5g and 10g mustard respectively.
4.      Put the four labeled jars respectively on the electronic scale and return to zero.

5.      Use three different spoons to pour in the liquid, following the order of 10g vinegar, 20g olive oil, and 10g canola oil.
6.      Label the one without any emulsifiers or stabilizers added with ‘control group’.
7.      Measure the initial height of boundary.

Video 4: possible error of the experiment, which was caused  by the inconsistent  shaking force and time

8.      Close the jars. My parents will shake the jars with one in each hand, and I’ll start timing with one phone and recording with another.
9.      Put down the four jars on the table, and start recording time-lapse video.
10.   After five minutes, use the tape to measure the height of the boundary from the middle bottom of the jar to the center of the meniscus of the acid layer. Read horizontally twice to make sure the accuracy of the data.
11.    Record the two data on the data sheet.
12.   Repeat step 10-11 every 5 minutes in the 30 minutes.
13.   Repeat step 1-12 twice more, replacing mustard with mayonnaise and molasses.

4. Process of the four groups (recorded in time-lapse video)

3. Data Analysis
Figure 11: Experiment results of mustard group

 For the mustard group, when the quantity increased from 5g to 7.5g, the higher the quantity of mustard added (IV), the slower the boundary rose, the longer it takes for the emulsion to separate (DV).However, when the quantity exceeded 7.5g to10g, the separation time drastically reduced to a extremely low level, which is even lower than the control group (without mustard). 

This result indicated that, acting mainly as emulsifier, mustard is also a quite strong stabilizer, and its stabilizing ability is affected by the later when reaching a certain quantity, since the high viscosity might lead to sedimentation, thus speeding up the rate of phase separation.
Figure 12: Experiment results of mayonnaise group

For the mayonnaise group, firstly, the experiment results were quite unusual. The separation time of all mayonnaise groups was shorter than the control group. Secondly, when the quantity increased from 5g to 6g, the higher the quantity of mayonnaise added (IV), the slower the boundary rose, the longer the separation time (DV). While increasing from 7.5g to 10g, the higher the quantity, the quicker the boundary rose, and the shorter the separation time (DV).

The result thus displayed that as an emulsifying agent might not be that efficient in stabilizing when adding too much, because of its extremely high viscosity, the surface area for the lecithin inside might be largely reduced, as flocculation occurred. Which means, there might be little lumps inside the vinegar formed by mayonnaise. Thus, when exceeding a certain amount, sedimentation took place shortly after combining, thus speeding up the rate of phase separation.
Figure 13: Experiment results of honey group

For the honey group, the experiment results were partially unusual too. Although there was an overall trend that the more honey added (IV), the slower the boundary rose, and the longer the separation time (DV), when the amount increased from 5g to 6g, the separation time was still shorter than the control group. When the amount continued to rose to 7.5g and 10g, the separation time seemed to be quite similar, with the group with 7.5g honey initially more stable than the 10g group.

While for the honey, it was merely a stabilizer without any emulsifying ability. However, its viscosity, though a lot lower than mayonnaise, is still relatively high and allows it to maintain a level of fluidity. Thus, flocculation and sedimentation would be less inclined than mayo to occur when honey is combined with vinaigrette, and thus the higher the quantity, the better the large molecules can cut the oil droplets in vinaigrette into smaller size, and the longer the separation time.

4. Findings
With the aforementioned analysis, it could be thus concluded that for mustard and mayonnaise, the more added, and longer the separation time, and thus the more stabilized the vinaigrette. However, the optimum ratio for mustard and honey to the oil-and-vinegar emulsion would be 1:4 (7.5g) and 1:5 (6g) respectively. While for honey, there seemed to be no optimum point, both vinaigrettes having ratios of 1:3 (10g) and 1:4 (7.5g) had strong stabilizing effect.

5. Possible errors and how to minimize them
1. Controlling the amount of oil and vinegar: when shaking the containers, some of them were not fully sealed, thus the quantity of some vinaigrette might be lower, leading to inconsistency of the results, such as undermeasure the height of the boundary. It is suggested that four new containers could be purchased.

2. Method and time of whisking: When mixing the mayonnaise and mustard by shaking the container, some were clung to the wall, thus the vinaigrette was not properly mixed. Also, the shaking force is inconsistent when shaken by different people, which might affect the stability of vinaigrette. It is proposed that the vinaigrette could be mixed in a bowl with a whisker just by one person (say me) for one minute and pour it into the container for observation. Different timers would be set up to avoid the time lapse between each sample.

3. The design of the experiment as a whole: as the experiment might consume a lot of ingredients, and as the experiment results showed that the emulsifying effect seemed to be quite similar, and two possible reasons might suggest this finding.

First, it might be due to the large quantity added to the  vinaigrette. As the common ratio would mostly be more than 1:10, the viscosity might hinder the emulsifying ability of the two emulsifiers. Thus, the amount of emulsifiers might be further reduced.

Second, it might be due to the similar stabilizing ability between the emulsifiers. Thus, a new set of experiment might be conducted next time by using this time's results, to further investigate the best combination of the emulsifier and stabilizer. This would mean having only four sets of experiment, while one is with all three added, one emits mustard, one emits mayo and one emits honey. Also, the valuation of separation time might be swapped to only measure the time it takes for the vinaigrette to separate entirely too. However, the feasibility and effectiveness of the experiment shall be further evaluated by the teacher this week and my through research.

6. Reference 
Introduction and background information
Scientific principle
Five W’s


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